Family Theories

    A theory is a proposed statement that explains something. There are theories about families that can reveal and explain the reason for some family events and experiences. Some theories about family are the systems theory, the symbolic interaction theory, the exchange theory, and the conflict theory.  

    The first theory I am going to talk about is the systems theory which says that family should be seen as one unit or a whole. This group follows rules and is composed of individuals that are related to each other. The system theory emphasizes the development of one's identity as an independent person and the development of cognitive functioning which includes an individual's ability to do basic tasks independently like walking and eating, but that it might be also driven by one's emotions and feelings. This theory also suggests that what might appear as an individual's problem can be linked to the family as many questionable behaviors might be transmitted or passed down. Therefore, many therapists would rather treat the whole family rather than only one member of it. 

The next theory I am going to talk about is the exchange theory. The exchange theory involves costs and rewards. In families, the members do favors for each other, but say that they have to give each other back, meaning that they owe them something for what they did for them. Family members put in the effort to do favors for each other, but expect something in exchange because they have the idea that they owe them something. Costs can be materialistic things like money, or abstract things like an individual’s time. Rewards might also be materialistic and abstract. Family members weigh (pros and cons, solutions, possible outcomes of an individual’s circumstance) the possible outcomes of a situation when making decisions and this is also part of the exchange theory. 

The next theory is the symbolic interaction theory. The symbolic interaction theory analyzes the interaction between members of a family (if generally speaking it can be about the interactions between individuals in a society) and how these interactions shape them to become who they are. This theory puts a lot of emphasis on interactions between individuals as it can influence individuals. As the systems theory analyzes a family as a whole unit, the symbolic interaction theory does too. A term in this theory is the definition of the situation. The way an individual defines a real situation might bring real effects of the events that happened. So, the symbolic interaction theory studies the way interactions between individuals might influence them to act a certain way or think in a different way. 

The last theory I will be talking about is the conflict theory. The conflict theory suggests that all people, whether they are related or non related, have their own individual and different issues. For example, two siblings might be related by blood, but they can struggle in different ways and have different ideas and/or opinions about something. Not everyone is the same as not everyone has the same resources and needs. In this theory, an individual’s gender and social class is analyzed. As I stated before, every individual is different, therefore every individual struggles differently. Wealthy families might be in advantage because they have an easier access to satisfy their needs and to solve their problems as individuals, but the problems that an individual from a wealthy family faces might not be the same problems an individual from a lower socioeconomic family might have. Conflict theory also analyzes the role that gender plays. The stance people hold up in regards to gender is also linked with this theory and the issues a family might have. 


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